Kerrin Smith

Consultant, Leader, Coach

Do you ever stop and wonder what it is exactly that motivates people to find their purpose in life? This is something that I have been fascinated by for over a decade. My journey to understanding how to answer this question began when I was a school teacher, seeking to understand how to get the best out of my students and my team. I quickly came to realise the correlation between the knowledge and expertise of my team and the outcomes this had on the students.

This insight drove a passion for further study and exploration of creating the optimal conditions for people to flourish. After leaving the classroom, I moved into consulting where I’ve designed and delivered workshops around Australia to leaders building their skills and capabilities both personally and professionally.

The ‘nitty-gritty’

Some people like to know who they are working with and what experience they have. If you’re one of those people, here’s a little insight into my experience and expertise.

Formal Study:

Master of Applied Positive Psychology - Melbourne University

Level 1: Applied Positive Psychology Coaching Certificate - Institute of Positive Psychology Coaching

Master of Educational Leadership - Australian Catholic University

Master of Education - Australian Catholic University

Bachelor of Education - La Trobe University

Learn more about me on my LinkedIn page.